Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Very Compelling

Good Day to all, I am sorry for not giving this writing gig my all for these past few days. With the collapse in Gold and then the event in Boston, it is just too overbearing. We live in a crazy world and I really get upset with the suffering that some have to endure. My prayers are still with those in Boston.

There was one time in the past few years that I have felt the way I am feeling now and that was the morning I woke up to news of the Tsunami in Japan. I have always had a passion for trading but that morning all I could say is- It's only money, look at all the suffering that is going on all around the world. Before the Japan tragedy, we had the riots in the streets in Greece and all the riots in Egypt, people were getting killed in the streets. There is always something like this going on and I truly do not believe life is supposed to be like this. Most people do not even know what started the outrage in the Middle East and that is pretty sad, it all started because the people were upset over RISING FOOD COSTS. Greece is where the Euro Crisis began because the Greek Government became insolvent and had to take from the citizens, cut pensions, raise the age for social security, etc.

The markets were not fun back during these times but I actually had the best and worst years of my life due to the volatility in the markets. I went broke a few times with the Euro Crisis and made the most money I have ever made after the natural disasters in Japan. I have traded through alot through the past decade and what I can tell you is I have never seen Gold trade this volatile and I do not recommend trading futures in Gold for the time being. Whether you want to buy or sell, there is a very good chance you will LOSE in a flash. Let the market settle down and let everyone grab their emotions, this will happen in due time. If you did not participate in this huge plunge and you are still alive to trade another day, be patient- take a vacation- I do not think you are going to miss anything in the coming days. My last positions were closed above 1520 and I have not attempted another trade in Gold since. If Gold explodes $100 from here($1375) which I highly doubt in the coming days, all I would have missed was a good trade.

While I have been wrong on Gold as of late, I did preach CAUTION and knew my levels. I will continue to write because I want to help as many people I can. I will not do it with fancy color charts and running off Commitment of Traders reports and all that analysis that comes with the crooked commodity markets. What you get is my honesty and my experience and I hope you can appreciate my candidness!

On that note, if you have been reading me since the end of January when I first began writing, you know by now that I feel very strongly that all of these markets are being interfered with to give the illusion to the public that things are much better than what they truly are. Based on what you see in the markets today, I may seem like a fool to some or you are starting to see that I make a whole lot of sense. I am done today but I want to leave you with the best explanation I have seen for what has transpired in the markets since this past Friday April 12, 2013. I urge you to take the time and read the link in its entirety, as I believe Chris Martenson of did a true masterpiece on this.

Thanks for reading,
Be Strong

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