Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Promised Charts

The awaited Federal Reserve was a non-event. Pretty much they will print $85 billion per month to keep interest rates low and they are standing by to do more if the economy needs it (stock market).

Not going to waste much time talking about them and being all negative about what they are doing to the people of this great country. I am tired of listening to all the spin on how the GDP number was not all that bad if you dig deep into the heart of it. How some of these guys actually get airtime or even have a job is astonishing to me!

Ok, onto the markets-Gold & Silver had a great day due to the surprise in the GDP. We will watch closely to see if Gold closes above 1680 and Silver 3225 tomorrow. I am disappointed that the equity markets did not react more to the downside but it is looking tired. I do not want to become a guy that spreads fear among my readers or makes bold predictions, I just want to share my trading experience with others and hopefully open some eyes to what is really going on in this crazy world.

Last week when I posted the charts on Gold and the S&P, I just wanted to show how we really are at an inflection point in the marketplace. Maybe the stock market can keep going higher,maybe the metals I speak of will fall farther.Right now I am thinking that stocks are not a wise investment choice and I am a firm believer that Gold offers a great value at these levels. All I can do is watch, what seems to be insanity at times and try my best to make wise choices.

Let's look at 4 charts The Australian $- Canadian $- US $- Dow Jones

 As I referred to the two commodity currencies last night, you can see by the charts above, how they appeared to be rolling over.The chart of the Dow I included is of an hourly timeframe and we can see by today's action that it is giving the appearance of a rollover as well.I did not mean to throw anyone off, the Dow chart was a late minute throw-in. Ok now I want you to take notice of where the US dollar is trading and see how close we are to breaking down. If you do not know by now I think the US dollar is going lower long term and Gold alot higher. Let's see what plays out the next couple of days with these particular markets. Were the Aussie and Cando rolling over sensing the slower growth, are they an early warning for what is going to happen in the equity markets?

Be Careful out there and thank you for reading, I do hope everyone comes away with something!

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